The right time,the right place....
Equinox is an exciting new residential development for the growing township of Marulan.
Offering a mix of affordable, level and easy to build on blocks of land, Equinox will be ideal for a range of buyers looking for great value home sites in a beautiful setting.

Enter via Collins Street, Marulan NSW 2579
With new homes dotting the landscape in Stage One, and initial releases in Stage Two selling out in record time, now is your time to purchase the final blocks of land in the highly sought after 2E Release.
Services available to all lots include power, natural gas, town water, sewer and NBN (fibre to the property).
To secure the final blocks of land in Stage Two, please call Claire Douch on 0476 779 499 or register your interest now.
The right time, the right place....

The site is bordered by the Main Southern Railway to the north, rural land to the south, and existing residential to the east.

Like other villages of its kind, living in and around Marulan offers a relaxed and comfortable lifestyle in a friendly and welcoming community.